Welcome to the MyPoints Facebook page! We want this to be a friendly, fun, upbeat, and informative place for our Members to come and share with one another. With that in mind, we ask that you respect the following guidelines - breaking our "house rules" may result in the post being removed, you being immediately reported & banned from our Facebook page, and possibly having your MyPoints account suspended. Some important guidelines are:
Keep it Classy - No use of profanity or profane language, inappropriate video or photographic content
Keep it Kind - This is a happy place, so no bullying, harassment, or abusive behavior. Keep your fellow MyPoints members in mind when you post!
Keep it Positive - We know not every post is going to be sunshine - but remember we're here to share smiles and celebrate wins, so please avoid excessive negativity.
Keep it Mindful - Our whole wonderful community will be reading and interacting with you, so be sure to avoid screenshots or confidential* info that isn’t intended for the whole community.
Keep it Relevant - This is a place to learn and have fun. In order to make sure you get the right help, questions about missing points or help with the status of your account should be submitted through your activity ledger here: https://www.mypoints.com/account-ledger?visited=true
(For items not on your Activity Ledger, you can reach out here: https://help.mypoints.com/hc/en-us)
Please also remember that while we want to hear from you, this is a MyPoints page. This means you’ll want to avoid:
- Posting links to cheat sites
- Promoting other websites with comparable services to MyPoints.com
- Posting referral links to MyPoints and/or other sites on the Wall
- Comments intended to detract from MyPoints, our brands, or advertisers
- Comments intended to discourage the use of a particular feature, Channel, opportunity, etc.
- Details, Survey numbers, or content from specific Surveys or providers
*Confidential info may include but is not limited to personal information (address, email address, account screenshots, etc.), confidential information or correspondence from the MyPoints Customer Support or site compliance, or other information that may be used to directly contact you or MyPoints.
As always, we appreciate your feedback, support, and passion for MyPoints!